translated from Spanish: Carabineros document reveals officials guarded Piñera’s daughter’s house for 12 days

“It’s ordered […] comply with the completion of SPECIAL VIGILANCIAS in the home address of the daughter of H.E. the President of the Republic, Magdalena Piñera Morel, who will leave his property without inhabitants between 31 August and 12 September”. That’s what Order of Service No. 22 of the 37th Vitacura Police Station says. The document is signed by Captain Andrea Vargas Chavez, adding that the reason for the absence is of “private character”.
As part of the massive leak of Carabineros files, Interference found an order establishing special surveillance for the residence of President Sebastián Piñera’s eldest daughter, when it was outside the country, between 31 August and September 12 of this year, during which time six police officers attended the house of Magdalena Piñera Morel located in Vitacura daily.
The property – valued at 312 million pesos – ended up being monitored six times a day for nearly two weeks. According to the order, two visits were decided per watch shift, with eight-hour shifts.
Inside Carabineros they pointed out to the aforementioned medium that this would be a common practice, since police officers commonly receive and attend requests for surveillance and protection of property while their owners are out of them, although these are given normally in eastern country towns such as Las Condes, Vitacura and Lo Barnechea.
Magdalena Piñera Morel is the largest of the Piñera clan. He participated actively in the first campaign for the presidency of Sebastián Piñera and then shared an office with the chief of staff of Piñera I, Juan Ignacio Eyzaguirre.
A report of El Mostrador of April 6, 2010 states that after “not being considered within the work scheme” by the then head of advisers, the lawyer María Luisa Brahm, the eldest daughter of the clan chose to step aside and dedicate herself to her family.
Currently, Magdalena Piñera Morel is president of the Future Foundation, which also includes her brothers Sebastian and Cristóbal as directors. The foundation guides its work in the development of cultural, educational and ecological projects.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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