translated from Spanish: Maria Leon proves her legs are causing heart attacks

Singer and actress María León, protagonist of the musical work Chicago, which is currently on the billboard in Mexico City, proves that her legs are worthy of a beauty contest and are also causing heart attacks. María León, a former vocalist of the group Playa Limbo, has an angelic voice and has proven to be a great singer, but she also owns a sculptural body and has legs of ten.

Maria, identified on Instagram as @sargentoleon, always surprises her followers on social networks by placing images of her in which she shows how great an artist she is. Undoubtedly, the beauty of Maria León, especially her legs, which are made to show them on stage singing or dancing, draws a lot of attention.

María León is causing controversy with her new video to the song Locos, where she is seen as playing a threesome with actors Regina Blandón and Carlos Ferro, who participate in it.

This video wanted it to be blunt, to mark this situation of all human beings that sometimes we want to go crazy when we feel we want immediate love,” he said on Instagram.

In a week of youTube display, the Locos video has already achieved more than a million views, even though many fans have said there was a need for so much sex.
María Elizabeth León Herrera is the full name of the artist, who is originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (February 14, 1986) and is a singer, dancer, actress and songwriter. In 2016, she made her acting debut in the series Guerra de idols, telemundo and Netflix.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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