translated from Spanish: Augusto Barrios returned to U training after serious injury

National defender Augusto Barrios returned to training at the University of Chile this week, after a long period of inactivity due to a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee.
The 28-year-old suffered this serious injury on April 7, specifically against Unión La Calera for the National Championship, and spent a long seven months in recovery.
Former Sports Antofagasta commented on his return to practice to the official blue box site. “Happy to be almost on par with my companions. My routine is to work early with the medical area with the kinesiologists and then I do almost 80 percent of the work of my colleagues, and then work with the PF on the physical issue, because there I am still to the owed, so i am very happy” Said.
“It was complicated months, but I worked fed up with the psychologist. She was just arriving and couldn’t contribute anything, so I fed her up. That’s already happened, there were low slubs, pains, but we’re almost there,” he added.
In the same vein, Arica’s originally noted that “there are companions who had had the same thing and approach ed, explain that I would be in pain and I was going to think that I was going back, but it is normal. Every day They asked me how I was going and that on the mental side, it helps a lot.”
Finally, Barrios referred to the campus’ encouragement for the final stretch of the tournament, where the ‘U’ struggles to avoid relegation to the First B.
“Very firm, encouragement. We came with two wins in a row, which had been given little and that had us with our minds focused on the final stretch and with the high ego. We hope to continue the same way if you play again. Without a doubt, we’re going to get out in front of the hard time we’re having,” he said.

Original source in Spanish


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