translated from Spanish: Fabrizio Copano: “With the historical moment that is taking place it can be interesting to go to Viña”

Fabrizio Copano (30) the social outburst in Chile caught him away. That’s why, from Los Angeles, USA, where he lives, he figured out how to join. And the answer was social media.
The comedian yesterday released the first episode of “We’re Not Alone,” a nearly five-minute video in which he reviews national happening with humor and image support of the contingency.
From the United States Copano tells today that the idea arose “when the thing started in Chile, many friends from Mexico, and here from the United States, they asked me what was going on and, of course, every time I explained it I felt that there was something very interesting there, like it is a movement so it’s a thought that the best way to explain it and make it simple was with a vine.”
“And I felt like it to keep doing it,” he says. So it occurred to him to make a first video that he uploaded to YouTube and that was the seed of “We are not alone”, which he hopes to be published once a week, every Sunday.
“I’m so connected to what’s going on that’s all I have in my head, so it’s like a way to get it out of my head a little bit and take it to something more concrete,” he explains.
It is a simple format, similar to that used by John Oliver in the HBO show “Last Week Tonight”.
Although he says that he does not aspire to bring him to television – “I hope to keep him as small as possible especially because it gives me more freedom,” he says , he does not close to the possibility of returning to the Viña Festival to, with his humor, review the national news.
“I’d like to go to Viña yes, but, of course, I’d have to have something ready. Well yes, with the historical moment that’s taking place it may be an interesting time to go but I don’t know how the atmosphere is going to be from here to February. I don’t have any offers, but I do interest you again. It would be interesting, it would be fun indeed,” he says.

Original source in Spanish


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