translated from Spanish: Municipalities investing resource in environmental improvements, Baltazar Gaona proposes

Morelia, Mich.. – In order to care for and preserve the environment in Michoacán, local deputy Baltazar Gaona García presented an initiative with draft decree reforming article 35 Bis of the Fiscal Coordination Law of the State of Michoacán before the Plenary of the State Congress, so it was made known through a press release.
In its explanatory memorandum, the local legislature stated that the initiative seeks that at least 35 per cent of the resource for each municipality, from the State Contributions Fund for the Infrastructure of Municipal Public Services (FAEISPUM), is intended solely and exclusively for the acquisition of new technologies and actions that aim to recover, conserve and improve the environment.
“It is time to take actions that generate sustainable and sustainable development, to improve the living conditions of people in our state, since sustainable development promotes economic opportunities, prosperity, greater well-being protection of the environment,” he added.
The legislator of the Parliamentary Group of the Labour Party (GPPT) recalled that municipalities already have items of money that are labelled for certain items, for example, there is an exclusive amount of economic resources for security other for basic services such as drainage, water intakes, etc., but that today it is essential that you have an exclusive resource to address the environmental problem.
“We cannot talk about integral prosperity in our state, when municipalities are trying to invest in different works such as: streets, squares, sports and forget to invest in works that benefit the environment,” he said.
The local deputy for the 08th district of Tarimbaro indicated that it is time for the municipal administrations of the state to be involved in remedying the damage to the environment, as well as to move to new technologies, the change of LED luminaires, install wastewater treatment plants, implement recycling plants, invest in solid waste management and have no open-pit dumps.
The Michoacano legislator stated that this type of investment in infrastructure for the improvement of the environment, are already indispensable in all municipalities, as he said that these measures can well be translated into benefits for the environment, as well as for citizens, as there would be better municipal services, as well as a better quality of life and for their post benefits in the area of health.
Source: Monitor Expresso

Original source in Spanish

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