translated from Spanish: Man in yellow waistcoat shot protesters in Reñaca: US citizen claimed attack

Amid demonstrations in Reñaca, Valparaiso region, about the social outburst that was already in its third week, Twitter users reported a shooting.
As Carabineros reported preliminaryly, the event occurred nearly 15 hours in Sector 1 of Reñaca amid a demonstration called through social media.
In the videos that circulate, a gunman can be seen getting out of a van and shooting the protesters.

The subject wore a yellow vest, a detail that was pointed out by social media users as a reference to the countermovement that has arisen as opposed to the demonstrations.
At the moment, only one injured person is recorded, which is already receiving medical attention.
John Cobin
After minutes and amid the uncertainty that created the event, a U.S. citizen based in Chile, identified as John Cobin, attributed the attack.
Through a live YouTube broadcast, the subject explained why he fired the shots.
According to his version, he fired two shots to defend himself from a group of people attacking him, although he said he did not remember exactly all the circumstances.
The North-Germanisan is known as he has given up interviews with The Clinic, where he recognized himself as a white supremacist and called himself “Chile’s most neoliberal person.”
Cobin acknowledged the facts and claimed that the POI was at home and was allowed to make one last call.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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