translated from Spanish: [VIDEO] Medical College denounces Carabinieri attack with tear gas at the point of press at the Santa Maria Clinic

From the entity they pointed out that they were making a press point together with the rector of the Academy of Christian Humanism University and close to Gustavo Gatica – the young man who lost his vision resulting from police gunfire yesterday – when Carabineros acted, without considering the health of the patients in the compound.

Through its social networks the Medical College denounced Carabineros’ actions during this afternoon, and shared records of the actions of the uniforms at the exit of the Clinic Santa María, where they were making a press point in relation to what happened yesterday by Gustavo Gatica, a 21-year-old who lost the vision of both eyes after the shooting of Balinese on his face by Carabineros.They also remembered a similar act performed yesterday at the Gustavo Fricke Hospital. On their Twitter account they wrote that “This afternoon, after a press point at Clínica Santa María, where our Vicepdte, DDHH Department, the rector of the @U_Academia, colleagues and friends of Gustavo Gatica, @Carabdechile dropped tear bombs, no matter if we were on the outskirts of a health center.” And they added in another message that “We condemn these facts, which add to yesterday’s #GustavoFricke and Wednesday’s in #FélixBulnes. We reiterate the call to @Carabdechile and @GobiernodeChile to respect protocols and fulfill their duty to ensure the integrity of people.” Records of the moment:

Original source in Spanish


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