translated from Spanish: Torture and mock shooting reports: they file complaints against the Army for crimes against humanity

On Monday, lawyers Karina Riquelme and Sebastián Saavedra of the South Defense and Research Center (Cidsur) filed a complaint against the Army for crimes against humanity committed during the state of Emergency.
In particular, they report torture and mock shooting slams against two young men, who were arrested on 21 October by an Army patrol. They were then transferred to an Eriace site near The Municipal Cemetery of Temuco.
Lawyers indicate that the victims were forced to run on the condition of looking back, otherwise they would be killed in the back.
In this regard, Saavedra explained that “three military vehicles arrive, they are climbed inside this vehicle and are transferred to the Butterfly hill, they are beaten, threatened”.
He then added that both detainees “are put against a wall and are made a kind of mock shooting, all under insults and threats, and eventually let them go under threats that they would not think of looking back, because or if they would not be killed in that same place.”
Meanwhile, the Army did not want to refer to the subject.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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