translated from Spanish: Will Smith is detected with a precancerous polyp

A few days ago, the American actor, Will Smith, had his first colonoscopy at the age of 51, following the recommendation of the American Cancer Society for people over 50 to perform such an analysis. Although the actor happily shared the procedure on his YouTube channel, the bad news was not made to wait, as he was discovered by a precancerous polyp. The famous actor of great Hollywood films used his experience in having colonoscopy to raise awareness among men, so that they can have the checkup so that they can prevent colorectal cancer.

It was Will’s first time in the hospital and he documented it very much in his style, giving a lot of information about the process and at the same time joking to give a little humor to the situation.
In the video of the actor of films such as Soy Leyenda y Hombres en Negro, he joked in different parts, such as when he arrived at the hospital and decided to order vodka in equal water, or when he confessed not to have taken many drugs in his life, even when the video becomes a film mute, after the microphone failed. During the audiovisual, Will did not lose his senses and remained very attentive to the indications that Dr. Ala Stanford gave her, so he talked about what would introduce him to the rectum and what size it would be.
This action was obviously not recorded and Smith was anesthetized so as not to feel any pain, but if he managed to see how the actor was placed on his side for the procedure. After a few days, Will Smith shared the outcome of the studies that were done and revealed the bad news the doctor gave him; detection of a precancerous polyp in the blind. The actor was very serious and concerned after the news, but Dr. Stanford reassured him that this is a very common thing and that he can be removed in a small intervention, so he can continue with his life as usual, but with some extra care in their food and daily life.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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