translated from Spanish: PS and PPD call for the resignation of the General Director of Carabineros after death of young man in Plaza Italia

The Party for Democracy, through its National Directive (DN), demanded the immediate resignation of the director general of Carabineros, Mario Rozas, for his responsibility in police abuses against protesters, regis in various parts of the country and who had one of his most tragic episodes last night in Plaza Italia, when the rescue work of a wounded young man, who eventually died, was prevented.
“We reaffirm our commitment to the defence of human rights, mainly to the right to free expression and to public demonstration. We strongly reject and condemn the systematic violations that have been committed by state agents. We demand a thorough and rigorous investigation of all DD violations. HH., especially those that happened to NNA and the Women of our country, in all these cases we demand truth and justice. Likewise, the State must fully redress the victims,” says the document unanimously approved by the DN, made up of more than 100 militants. “In this context, the Party for Democracy demands the immediate removal of the director general of Carabineros for his responsibility in institutional repression,” the document stresses.
In addition, the party’s National Directive decided to ratify and support the agreement for the “Social Peace and New Constitution”, which was signed by various party presidents in the early hours of Friday morning, emphasizing the partisan commitment “to the plebiscite to a new Constitution through a Constituent Assembly called the ‘Constitutional Convention'”.
“At the same time, with the same strength and vigour, we support social demands and commit to transition from a subsidiary state to a guarantor State in the enforcement of social rights and in the provision of quality services,” the letter adds subscribed to militancy.
For its part, the Socialist Party also published a text in the same vein, also demanding that the Minister of the Interior, Gonzalo Blumel, “assume his responsibility in the face of police control”.
“Nothing justifies human rights violations. Therefore, we reiterate the request for resignation, which we made a week ago, of the director general of Carabineros, Mario Rozas, for the total control of the Special Forces of the institution”, begins the statement.
On what happened in the death of Abel Acuña and the Medical College’s denunciation of a Carabineros assault on staff attending the deceased protester, the PS states that “it is not an isolated case and constitutes an extremely serious event. General Rozas has lost control of the institution he runs and it seems that The Special Forces personnel lack a command that rules their action within the limits of the rule of law.”
Finally, he adds that “the Minister of the Interior, Gonzalo Blumel, must take responsibility and act immediately to prevent further tragedies. The Government must understand that peace is not built on Balinese or mutilation of Chileans and Chileans.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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