translated from Spanish: At least 114 people were reportedly arrested in recent hours in the context of social demonstrations

The Government reported that during the last hours 114 people have been arrested and 12 events rated as “serious” have been reported amid the social outburst in the country for a month. The Undersecretariat of the Interior offered the balance based on the background given by Carabineros of Chile and the Investigation Police, the Executive further detailed that at 09:00 hours on Sunday 11 policemen and 5 civilians were injured.” Four attacks were reported on police barracks, all in the Metropolitan region,” Radio Bío Bío.In addition, they state that in recent hours there was also a fire at the headquarters of the Socialist Party of Valdivia; and “an incendiary attack on a BancoEstado branch in the commune of El Bosque.” Two pipelines were also reported to pharmacies located in the commune of San Bernardo in the Metropolitan Region; and copiapó, in the region Atacama.De in the same way, damages were reported in the Regional Intendency of Los Ríos and the Post Office of Chile of Valdivia.Finally, the Undersecretariat of the Interior commented that during the last day there were 7 road trips , 4 of them on Route 5.

Original source in Spanish


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