translated from Spanish: Government of Morelia commemorated the CIX Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution

home Morelia Government of Morelia commemorated the CIX Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution

Morelia, Michoacán.- Through a statement he was informed that the Government of Morelia commemorated the CIX Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, an act led by the municipal president, Raúl Morón Orozco, in the obeliscus monument to General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río. This fact in the history of Mexico was defined as a time of political and social change.

The mayor, Raúl Morón in the company of the dispatch manager of the Ministry of Education in the state, Héctor Ayala Morales, the president of the Board of Directors of the Congress in the local entity and deputy, Antonio de Jesús Madriz Estrada, the lieutenant colonel and representative of the 21st Military Zone, Uziel San Juan García, the attorney general of the state, Adrián López Solís, recalled the actions that motivated a country to rise up in arms in the search for a change in the social inequalities that were lived.
Eduardo Nomelí Mijandos Díaz, official speaker of the ceremony, called for reflection “yes Mexicans of now are up to the Mexicans of yesterday”, who through an expensive social revolution transformed the country and thus be able to leave behind the lastres of this era, historical ignorance, apathy and collective disinterest.
Prior to this event, the izamiento de Bandera Nacional was held in the Melchor Ocampo square on the occasion of the CIX Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, which had as main ideas the social and economic reform of the country, a new union culture and that gave importance to the agricultural sector.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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