translated from Spanish: Budget for Michoacán does not include education payroll or JLCM

Naomi Carmona
Morelia, Michoacán.- Since the federalization of the educational payroll has not yet materialized, this item was not contemplated in the draft budget for Michoacán, since the State has only 3 billion pesos to meet the Federation and addressing educational obligations.
This was reported by the Secretary of Finance and Administration, Carlos Maldonado Mendoza after the delivery of the package of documents containing the Law of Finance, Egress and Income.

The amount mentioned by the state official is equivalent to that presented last year, however, since the agreement between the Government of Michoacán and that of the Republic has not yet been signed, it is not possible to incorporate insurance, other than the contribution of the state.

“The State in its constitutional obligation to continue to promote basic education, participates and is attended by an amount that based on its budget can meet, because the cost of education is around 10 or 11 billion pesos.”

Maldonado Mendoza reported that the issue is still under discussion, and it is expected that in the coming weeks the document that would give the agreement framework will be signed.
Another item that does not contemplate allocation of resources is the Local Board of Roads of Michoacán, mentally extinct by the government, because by its creation through a legislative decree, it is by the same way that it has to disappear.
On this issue, the Secretary of Finance justified that late last year, the LXXIV Legislature approved the demise of the Board budget and only confirmed an amount for the liquidation of the workers.
According to the official, 13 structural and 30 more other employees who did not mention have been liquidated to date.
In the face of the ongoing discussion within the Congress about the extinction or not of the JLCM, the head of the state coffers ruled out that budget movements can be given, as there is a containment in public spending, as another s decrees of austerity both the federal and state governments have had an effect on the execution of the economic resource, leaving hundreds of families who depend on the Local Board of Roads in the scoff.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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