translated from Spanish: Five people died after multiple accident in Quilicura

A serious accident recorded Wednesday night in the commune of Quilicura, north of the Metropolitan Region, left a record of five fatalities and two injured. As Carabineros reported, the event occurred around 23:00 hours at kilometer 4 of the Camino Lo Echevers, where three vehicles were involved. The round officer of the Santiago Norte Prefecture, Captain Sebastián Marambio, explained that “by the declaration of one of the drivers, two vehicles were heading towards Santiago and at the time when one of these overtakes the other, collides frontally against a third vehicle, coming from Santiago to the north,” according to Radio Cooperativa.In addition, the uniform added that “there are 11 participants in total of the three vehicles. In one of them came four participants, who died in their entirety, all adults. In the second vehicle came four people, of whom there is an out-of-life injured person who was taken to San José Hospital. In the third vehicle, there were three people involved. The driver passed away.” Captain Marambio stated that the driver he saved alive did not have an alcoholic halito, but that hours later weaponry was found inside the vehicle, so he was arrested for illegally carry-on weapons.

Original source in Spanish


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