translated from Spanish: They lift precautionary closure of oysters and other molluscs in Altata

Sinaloa.- Due to the presence of the red tide phenomenon in Altata Bay, mollusc extraction had been blocked, however, yesterday the closure was lifted by the State Commission for the Protection of Health Risks of Sinaloa (Coepriss). From this notice is allowed the extraction, distribution, marketing and consumption of bivalve molluscs, such as oysters, clams, axe callus and mule leg.

Jorge Alan Urbina Vidales recalled that the measure had been implemented with the purpose of preventing and safeguarding the health of the population in the presence of the red tide phenomenon.” The presence of biotoxins was indicated, so that we had to do the precautionary closure, because molluscs have a food filtration system and, being organisms that are filtering water to feed, they are concentrating this existence of a health-risk toxin,” he said. He specified that the phenomenon was present in the bay of Altata, so he recommended that the restaurants acquire their products for sale in other regions of Sinaloa, such as Celestino Gasca, Mazatlán, Bahía Colorada de Guasave, among others. Phenomenon
He said that during this season of the year there is a high concentration of algae, which is the phenomenon of red tide, usually due to climatic issues. Such a situation causes molluscs to generate toxins that are harmful to human health.Reported that both restaurants and diners were notified of the situation for two days, so the necessary and appropriate precautionary measures were taken to avoid consumption and risks. For his part, the president of the Federation of Cooperatives of the Bay Altata Ensenada Pavilion, Guadalupe Pacheco, abounded that these precautionary measures should be permanent and not be left alone in the veda. It stated that applying extraction bans would result in significant economic losses for fishermen and restaurants, therefore the authority should be under constant review so as not to ban on a recurring basis, i.e. apply other mechanisms or measures. He explained that, for lack of communication, some farmers continued with the extraction of mollusc because of ignorance of the ban, which puts the population at risk.

Red tide
A red tide is a proliferation of one or more microalgae in any given water area that has a harmful effect on another organism. The high concentration of these produces toxins and causes economic losses for aquaculture.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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