translated from Spanish: Michoacán Indigenous Supreme Council denounces trying to kick them out of indigenous radios

Through a statement, the Michoacán Indigenous Supreme Council publicly denounces that the Federal Telecommunications Institute attempted on 26 October to dismantle the indigenous radios of Carapan’s p urhépecha community in the Municipality of Chilchota.
They state that this represents a violation of the collective rights of indigenous communities and a violation of freedom of expression, since indigenous cultural radios are a means for native communities to convey their language, their language worldview, its history and its culture.
Finally, they report that they maintain for the third consecutive day the takeover of the Michoacán Delegation Of Welfare, until the Mexican State respects the collective rights of the original communities.
Here’s the full manifest:
Communities P’urhépecha, 27 November 2019.
To The Native Peoples and Communities
Al Pueblo de México and Michoacán
To the Media
The Michoacán Indigenous Supreme Council (CSIM), an autonomous and independent council of governments, political parties and religious orders, consisting of civil, communal and traditional authorities of more than 60 native communities, who walk collectively in the search for our self-determination, autonomy and self-government, at the request of the Indigenous Cultural Radio P’iani The Voice of the Eleven Peoples, we publicly denounce the following:
On November 26 of this year, officials from the Federal Telecommunications Institute showed up in the p urhépecha community of Carapan, Chilchota Municipality, at the facilities of the community’s indigenous radios, to harass, intimidate and attempt to shut down the cultural radios p’urhépecha, which represents a violation of the collective rights of indigenous communities and a violation of freedom of expression.
Cultural and indigenous radios are a means for native communities to convey our mother tongue, worldview, our history and our culture, right of expression and collective guaranteed in Convention 169 of the Organization International Labour Organization and the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples, however, with the current government of the 4th Transformation, continues to harass, intimidate and attempt to disappear the radios of indigenous communities.
We therefore declare to the Federal and State Government that we strongly reject any attempt to dismantle the community and indigenous radios of Michoacán and reiterate that we will continue with the Sixth Day of Struggle: Respect for the Rights of Peoples Originally, informed that we currently maintain taken for the third consecutive day and indefinitely the Secretariat of Welfare Delegation Michoacán, until the Mexican State respects the collective rights of the original communities.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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