translated from Spanish: IMSS launches call to occupy more than 8,000 seats, only enfermer@s and doctors

The Mexican Social Security Institute announced the open call for doctors and nurses to occupy a total of eight thousand 704 places, while by 2020, he noted that another 10 thousand 794 will be created in order to cover the shortfall of medical staff in the country.
“One of the priority objectives is to correct the staff shortage and take advantage of the infrastructure installed at its maximum capacity, since the medical and nursing staff needed for decent care have not been hired,” said IMSS Director Zoé Robledo Aburto.
At a press conference, Robledo Aburto detailed that of the eight thousand 704 places available in the call, for which the registration of applicants will be available from 2 to 16 December on the website of the IMSS and the National Union of Social Security Workers, three thousand 718 will be for medical specialists and a thousand for nurses.
Call Requirements
Those who meet the requirements set out in the professiogram of the categories referred to in this call may participate. In addition, compliance with the following requirements must be established, according to the IMSS’s own website:
Be a Mexican citizen, in full exercise of your rights, or a foreign citizen whose immigration status permits the exercise of the corresponding profession.
Not to have been sentenced to a custodial sentence for a willful crime.
Not be disabled for the public service, nor are you in any other cause of legal impairment.
Not having sued IMSS.
In case of re-entry to IMSS, have the authorization of the Coordination of Labor Relations attached to the Personnel Unit of the Management Directorate of IMSS.
While the rest, the director of IMSS, referred, will be directed to the emergency department, of which two thousand 170 will be for specialty doctors and 557 for the nursing department.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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