translated from Spanish: 7 killed by carnivorous bacteria in California

San Diego, California — A carnivorous bacterium linked to the use of black heroin has killed at least seven people in the past two months in San Diego County, authorities said. Nine people who injected theblack heroin, or tar, between October 2 and November 24 were hospitalized for severe cases of myonecrosis, a soft tissue infection that destroys muscle, county health authorities said Wednesday.

Of the seven people killed, five were male. All nine patients were between 19 and 57 years of age. Investigators are trying to determine the origin of heroin. Authorities have advised the local medical community to be aware of additional cases of myonecrosis and wound botulism, a rare but dangerous disease that attacks nerves and is also related to the use of black heroin. Symptoms of myonecrosis include pain, inflammation, pale skin, foul-smelling blisters, fever, excessive sweating, and increased heart rate. If left unattended, myonecrosis can spread in the body and cause a shock. That can lead to amputations and even death. Symptoms of wound botulism can be confused with those of a drug overdose and occur days, or even weeks, after being injected with contaminated narcotics. Symptoms include drooping eyelids, blurred vision, dry mouth, sore throat, trouble speaking and paralysis. If left untreated, symptoms can cause paralysis of the respiratory muscles, arms, legs and torso and death. Black heroin is sticky like waterproofing or hard as coal and is mainly produced in Mexico. It is sold in areas of the western United States, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. Its dark color is the result of the coerced processing methods that leave impurities. Impure heroin usually dissolves, dilutes and injects into veins, muscles, or subcutaneously. A study published in 2016 by the DEA revealed that black heroin is sold in 12 cities in the west of the country, including San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Denver, and nearly all of it comes from Mexico. Its purity range is 34% to 43%.

Original source in Spanish

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