translated from Spanish: Federation plans to play a match between the U and the Union to define the quota for the Liberators

The vice president of the Chilean Federation, Justo Alvarez secured the quota as Chile 4 for the Copa Libertadores could be defined with a match between Universidad de Chile and Unión Española. “We have analyzed the pros and cons, and we have been asked to go to the Conmebol to give us a prudent deadline because they are asking us to have the quota by December 17,” he said. We have agreed in the first instance for a defining match to be played, if the conditions allow and Conmebol, we want to have a duel between the U and the Spanish Union,” he concluded. In this way, it would be defined on the pitch who will represent our country in the international tournament. It is the result because the other two semi-finalists are Universidad Católica and Colo Colo, both casts are already ranked by their positions in the table. According to the bases of the start of the tournament, Chile 4 for the champion of the Copa Chile. But if the Federation’s idea does not succeed, next week there will be another meeting to make the final decision. It is not yet defined which day the match will be played, but if Conmebol maintains the stipulated date, the ANFP would have only 12 days to contest the match. However, with this determination Calera has no options to go to the tournament to finish fourth in the National Championships.

Original source in Spanish


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