translated from Spanish: Swearing has its advantages; makes you more honest

home Bless you Swearing has its advantages; makes you more honest

Photograph/ Pixabay
World.- According to a new study, people who blaspheme are more honest and authentic.  To say rudeness is something that has been sought to solve the study carried out by Gilad Feldman, of the Department of Labor and Psychology of Maastricht University (Netherlands) and published in The Journal of Psychological and Personality Science, which discusses these contradictory perspectives regarding the relationship between blasphemy and dishonesty.
“The consistent findings through the studies suggest that the positive relationship between blasphemy and honesty is robust and that the relationship found at the individual level actually moves socially,” Feldman says. On the one hand, the use of blasphemy is taboo and people who do so can be perceived as “violators of moral and social codes” and are therefore considered dishonest or unreliable.
On the other hand, swearing is sometimes positively associated with “authenticity” on certain occasions, such as in the case of innocent people, who are accused of crimes, are more likely to “unleash” during interrogations than culprits who deny a crime, according to this other study.
Source: The Journal of Psychological and Personality Science

Original source in Spanish


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