translated from Spanish: AMLO confirmed that Manlio Fabio wants to take over Duarte’s aftersqueato in Chihuahua

home Mexico, News AMLO confirmed that Manlio Fabio wants to take over Duarte’s aftersqueato in Chihuahua

Mexico.- In the traditional ‘Mañanera’ carried out by the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, he informed the media that the former national leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Manlio Fabio Beltrones, seeks protect the law for the investigations of the aftercity of César Duarte Jáquez in the state of Chihuahua.

“It is the request for an amparo which he has, of course, the right to request and to be granted to him if so decided by the competent authority in the Chihuahua case, which comes from the investigation against Duarte on that subject. That’s what I was informed about our Legal Counsel today,” he said during his morning conference.
“I think I’ve done it before and now i’ve turned to this mechanism again, which is a right that all citizens, all people, have. It’s the case that’s being aired in Chihuahua.”

It should be noted that Beltrones has been charged with “protected witnesses in the investigations for the detours of 250 million pesos that the federal government, in the sixteenth year of Enrique Peña Nieto, transferred to Chihuahua in the management of former Governor César Duarte, and that they were then paid to the PRI to fund election campaigns in 2016.”

Original source in Spanish


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