translated from Spanish: Jeanine Añez announces order of apprehension against Evo Morales

La Paz.- Bolivia’s self-proclaimed interim president, Jeanine Añez, announced an upcoming apprehension order against former officer Evo Morales, who is currently being a refugee in Argentina and is investigated in her country for alleged crimes of sedition terrorism.” In the coming days, an arrest warrant will be issued because we have made the relevant allegations,” she told the press after a military act.

Añez argued that Morales “has never respected anything, nor the Constitution itself,” so if he returns to Bolivia he “knows that he has to give the country answers, (since) he has outstanding accounts with justice.” Evo Morales resigned on November 10, after two weeks of protests following the questioned results of a general election. His departure from power was forced when the armed forces withdrew his support. Initially he went into exile in Mexico, but after a fleeting trip to Cuba, he moved to Argentina where his children reside and where the government of Peronist Alberto Fernández has granted him protection as a refugee.

Evo Morales on his arrival in Mexico City, where he was greeted by Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard. Photo: AFP

It is estimated that Morales will be installed in a city next to the border with Bolivia.This weekend a group of leaders of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), the Morales party, was moved to Buenos Aires to define with it the strategies for the next general election, the date of which has not yet been defined.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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