translated from Spanish: Senator of Morena seeks to allow collaboration between religious associations and the state

home Mexico Senator of Morena seeks to allow collaboration between religious associations and the state

Photography/ Facebook
Mexico.- Soledad Luévano, Senator of Morena by Zacatecas, presented an initiative to allow collaboration between religious associations and the State. In Article 1, the initiative erases the word “separation from the State and the Churches,” prompting strong criticism on social media.
The initiative seeks to establish the legal framework for collaboration between churches and the State with amendments to Article 3, since it states that, although “the Mexican State is secular”, “it will not impede collaboration between them and the State in the joint promotion of the cultural and social development of people”.
Meanwhile, the coordinator of the senators of Morena, also the Zacatecano Ricardo Monreal, pointed out on Twitter that the initiative will be analyzed by the parliamentary group.
 “Senators exercise their right of initiative, but this has to be discussed in the Parliamentary group for endorsement. This will be the case with the one presented by the Sen. @SoledadLuevano about religious freedom. Without precipitation or regression, all voices will be heard.”
Source: Process

Original source in Spanish


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