translated from Spanish: Government responded to Férnandez’s statements about Chile and called for the “convenience” of not commenting on the policy of other countries

The foreign minister responded to the sayings of Argentina’s new president, Alberto Fernández, who compared Venezuela to Chile by stating that “Píñera imprisoned 2,500 people and nobody said anything”. Through a statement it was reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed, that the holder of the portfolio contacted his par Felipe Solá.As indicated by chancellery was “in order to express his surprise regarding the comments made by the President Alberto Fernández in a television program, in which he alluded to internal situations in Chile”, In the document states that “in this regard, together with expressing his strangeness about these comments, Ribera stated the desirability of not issuing opinions internal policy situations in the respective countries.” In addition, he adds that “Chancellor Ribera further made it enforcement that there is a full rule of law in Chile and that, in that context, it is not the President of the Republic, but the police, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Courts of Justice, the institutions that have to arrest, investigate, prosecute and convict those responsible for crimes.”

Original source in Spanish


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