translated from Spanish: Sernac officiated companies to eliminate bad post-sales practices

Following the Christmas celebrations, the National Consumer Service (Sernac) reminded consumers of their right to legal guarantee in case the products purchased go bad, as well as announced that it will start a deeper work with the companies those to eliminate root bad practices. In order to improve the standards of behaviour on the part of companies with respect to the right to guarantee and post-sale in general, the Sernac will officiate to the companies with the worst behavior in their responses to claims related to legal guarantee. The regulatory body this year received 20 thousand complaints from users who have to mainly concern the refusal they receive from companies to change the product when it goes wrong, for not returning the money, and refusing to make the repair Free. The director of the Sernac, Lucas Del Villar, stated that “a gift that goes wrong can tarnish the celebration for consumers. That is why it is important that companies are up to the task and provide the facilities so that they can exercise their right to legal guarantee. Receiving a product that works is a basic right, regardless of its price.” Sernac Director Lucas Del Villar explained that today companies cover this term by offering “extended guarantees” that are a kind of insurance that have a cost to the consumer.” But the idea is that the consumer is not paying to demand their right to the product to be of quality, at least for the first 3 months. This is especially important in higher-cost products or which by their nature should be more durable such as household appliances, computers or vehicles,” he concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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