translated from Spanish: Bolivia calls as “absurd” Mexico’s intention to denounce it in ICJ

Bolivia’s Foreign Minister Karen Longaric has called the Mexican Government’s decision to denounce the Andean nation in the International Court of Justice for the “siege” of Mexico’s Embassy and Residence in La Paz as “absurd” . Something “absurd, a mistake and a lack of seriousness,” said the head of Bolivian diplomacy in the government of the self-proclaimed interim president, Jeanine Añez, in an interview given on Thursday to the Erbol Network.Longaric has argued that “all assessments ( of Mexico) have no sustenance” because, it has been revealed, the Mexican authorities asked the Bolivian Executive to strengthen the security of their Embassy and Residence.” On 19 and 29 November, the Embassy of Mexico, through verbal notes to the Bolivian Chancellery, called for a strengthening of security. Likewise the ambassador (…) visited me on two or three opportunities to expressly ask me to strengthen the security of the Embassy” has counted. In any case, he stressed that “the territory where the embassies are located is Bolivian territory”, thereby claiming the sovereign decisions of the Executive of Añez.In addition, it has again denounced an “absolute interference” by Mexico for welcoming former Bolivian President Evo Morales for a month in the country as a political asylado and several of his collaborators at the Embassy.” We are described as a ‘de facto’ government. They have no right to make that qualification, which goes against the will of the Bolivian people”, added the holder of Exteriores.For all, he has assured that “Bolivia is very calm”. “He knows that he did not incur the irregularities reported by the Mexican Chancellery,” he has settled. In the same vein, the Minister of Government, Arturo Murillo, has spoken. “They threaten to take us to the International Court of Justice. We will see each other, gladly, and see who has violated the treaties, whether we, protecting the Embassy, or they, having given asylum to Evo Morales,” he has raised. REPORT IN THE CIJThe Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced at the daily press conference that the country will go to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday to demand that Bolivia respect the Embassy and The Residence in La Paz.According to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Ebrard, security personnel guarding the diplomatic complex have gone from six to 90 following the arrival of former Morales’ associates as political asyados, which the Mexican government considers a “siege.” Ebrard has accused Bolivia’s “de facto” government of violating the Vienna Convention, which establishes the inviolability of diplomatic headquarters, and the Caracas Convention, which recognizes the right of political asylum between Latin American countries. The chancellor has emphasized that the right to asylum is “one of the best traditions” of Mexican diplomacy, recalling his worth before the Spanish Civil War, the persecution of the Nazis against the Jews or the military coups in Latin America during the 70s and 80s. “That was not done by Pinochet,” said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has briefly taken the floor, about respect for diplomatic headquarters and the right to asylum. In addition, Ebrard has stressed that Mexico has the support of the international community, expressly mentioning all EU countries and “almost all” Latin Americans. “Who in their right mind is going to support a diplomatic headquarters,” he has said.

Original source in Spanish


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