translated from Spanish: Mayor of Maipú by comptroller’s office audit: “In no case is this a mandatory opinion”

During this Monday’ day, the Comptroller General of the Republic reported an audit in the municipality of Maipú, headed by Mayor Cathy Barriga, who reported irregularities in procurement processes.” Due to complaints from citizens and parliamentarians, an audit was carried out in @maipu_chile (@MaipuRenace) which analyzed various procurement processes. Here we show you some of the main findings, which involve withdrawal of money and/ or summaries,” the agency said through its Twitter account.Before this, the mayor came out in step of the questionings, stating in a public statement that “it is a final report, which contains observations, those that are not settled or executed, but there is the possibility of answering them. In no case is it a mandatory opinion to comply by the municipality,” he replied. He added that “all the expenses incurred by the municipality are visas by all the respective municipal directorates,” he said, adding that councillors and opposition leaders “have demonstrated a constant and stubborn encouragement of the current municipal management.” He also criticized the Comptroller’s Office for the way they made the information public, stating that it was “in a pejorative form and with illustrations at odds with the public work”.

Original source in Spanish


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