translated from Spanish: Blumel questioned offensively against Guevara: “Accusing a quartermaster for complying with the law is very irresponsible”

The Minister of the Interior, Gonzalo Blumel, referred to the determination made by parliamentarians to oppose the mayor of Santiago, Felipe Guevara, constitutionally. The decision is framed in the measures that the authority would have taken over the demonstrations in Plaza Italia and the “copay” of the place by Carabineros. In this sense, the secretary of state said on Thursday that “the mayor has only done since the moment he took office is to comply with his legal obligations,” he said, adding that “accusing a quartermaster for complying with the law is very irresponsible and we we call on parliament to act with seriousness and responsibility.” In doing so, he questioned the accusation, stating that “most of the opposition has been government in the past and quite possibly also going to become a government again, and he knows that with such actions all it does is weaken the powers that authori gives.” And in this same vein, he replied that “we, when we were opposition, did not pass through our minds to constitutionally accuse the quartermasters for doing their duty.” PUBLIC ORDEROn the other hand, Blumel insisted that “public order is the fundamental guarantee for citizens to exercise their rights, their freedoms and ensure the proper functioning of public institutions. Therefore, the mayor, what he does is do his duty.” “What they are doing in dictating him is weakening the proper functioning of our democracy, the rule of law, and the exercise of the powers and powers that the mayors have by law,” he replied.

Original source in Spanish


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