translated from Spanish: St. John Parangaricutiro; traditions and customs, of a people who refused to die

New San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán.- 76 years after its foundation, after the population migrated from the place where the Parhíkutin volcano was born, this community maintains its traditions and customs; Here religious tourism is one of the main economic income, along with traditional food.
On the first day of each year, the ones who will serve as freighters of the various religious festivities during this 2020, gather by caravan to the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Miracles, accompanied by orchestral music.
They are received by the Bishop of Zamora, Francisco Javier, who leads the concelebrated Mass of twelve, for the coronation of the freighters and palm trees of Corpus Christi, the Sanctuary looks crowded.
The comitivas are headed by the Butler, Manuel Echevarría Campoverde and the “Mandón”, Juan Murillo, who at the end of the coronation, will have to offer a meal to the freighters and their relatives.
After the exodus, the New San San Parangaricutiro was founded here on 12 May 1944, a year after the birth and eruption of the Parhíkutin. It currently has a population of 20 thousand inhabitants.
Some of the freighters are, from the Child God that is venerated on January 6, Raúl Ricardo Nava Hernández and Ma. Guadalupe Anguiano Chávez; of the dance of Los Pastores, of January 10, Gerardo Olivo Isidro and Ma. Guadalupe Isidro Campoverde; Juan Carlos Uribe Medina and Maricela Gómez Hinojosa, of the Virgin of Fatima, of May 13; of the Lord of Miracles, on September 14, Felipe Oseguera Isidro y Ma. Guadalupe Oseguera Antolino.
Other freighters, of the Virgin of Guadalupe, of December 12, Félix Montiel Medina and Domitila Carrasco Martínez; of Las Palmeras, from August 15 and December 8, Diana Laura Rodríguez, Luz Esmeralda Vega, Paloma Concepción Toral, Delfina Anguiano, Rosa Isela Hernández and Alma Rosa Chávez. There are also six cup-bars; The Cowboy, the Prosecutor and Temen Tsiman Cowboy.
Each of the festivities, has the freighter and eight other relatives, which will be changed every month, depending on the date of the commemoration. To this, also joined the freighters of the chapel of La Concepción and of each of the five neighborhoods, San Juan, Santiago Apóstol, La Asunción, San Miguel and San Francisco

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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