translated from Spanish: Central Bank reported that it will suspend its intervention in the foreign exchange market

The Central Bank reported on Friday that it decided to pave its intervention in the local foreign exchange market, which will be in force for the entire week. This despite the fact that this day the dollar had an increase of more than 5 pesos, due to the global uncertainty following the bombing of the US-ordered Baghdad airport, where General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of Irán.La entity, died it detailed that “under the current exchange rate intervention programme, the Central Bank of Chile reports that for the period from 6 to 10 January 2020, spot trading will not be carried out, and only forward sales maturities will be renewed”. It should be remembered that on November 28, the Central announced an intervention of up to $20 billion in the Chilean foreign exchange market, after the green back, reached $829.On that occasion it explained that the measure would apply between 2 December 2019 and 29 May 2020, in accordance with the following modalities:1. Sale of spot dollars for up to US$10 billion.2. Sale of exchange hedging instruments for up to US$ 10 billion. It also indicated that the amount and other terms and conditions of the following week’s sale auctions would be reported at the end of each week.

Original source in Spanish


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