translated from Spanish: Toys can be toxic and have lead

Some toys may contain toxic substances, so be very careful if you’re going to pick a gift for a girl or boy, and of course, the recommendation is also for the Three Wise Men.
Some toys might pose a risk of containing lead, yes, that metal that is not visible to the naked eye and has no odor, but is used in some products to improve paints and pigments.
Toys are usually manufactured in such a way that they are not dangerous to children in their normal use; However, in some cases toys become a health risk when they are manufactured with substances in quantities that are harmful to children’s health or when toys are not suitable for their age.
Read: Options to donate clothes, toys and food this holiday season
According to Cofepris, minors can come into contact with toxic substances such as lead by ingesting or sucking the toy, by inhaling some strong odor that comes from it, by taking it with their hands and that by the manipulation of their skin. Or even, because they leave debris in the children’s hands and then take their hands to their mouths, eyes, or eat food without washing their hands.
“Lead has serious consequences for children’s health. If the degree of exposure is high, it attacks the brain and central nervous system,” according to Cofepris.
With children under three years of age you have to be more careful, because at these ages it is more common to have objects taken to your mouth. It is essential only to buy toys that are in line with your age, as they could easily ingest a small piece of the toy and drown or suck a toy that is not designed for this and end up eating the materials.
Cofepris and Profeco recommend not to buy toys that do not contain information labels, do not specify precautionary measures and do not provide guarantees on quality, misuse may expose children to suffocation by ingestion of small parts or obstruction in nostrils and ears.
For children under 5 years old avoid PVC type plastics, and choose those made of wood or fabric.
Beware of old and second-hand toys. Also, make sure that the toy has the legend or symbol indicating the recommended age for use.
They also recommend examining the toy with the intention of determining if it has any unusual odors and keeping an eye on the health of minors, especially on the first few occasions that it interacts with the toy, for example, that its contact does not cause skin irritation.
Also, check that toys do not leave paint residue or any other kind in the hands of children.
Read: The Furry ‘Thief’ of Christmas toys captured by police in The United States
It is recommended not to purchase toys of dubious provenance or those that are marketed on the informal market. Do not buy pirate toys, as they are not manufactured under any quality standards, which may jeopardize the health and safety of children.
Check that the toys do not have sharp or burry edges and make sure that you include the warranty certificate inside the packaging and do not forget to seal it in the store when making the purchase.
The Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office reported that toy guns that appear real will be frozen from the market, so it recommended that you do not give this type of item to children.
For the season of Three Wise Men guns are recommended gifts for children, as they promote violence.
Consider that each type of toy stimulates a special aspect of its growth. For example, educational toys develop creativity, imagination, ability to concentrate and memory, while bikes, skateboards and skates stimulate their drive.
A good toy should be safe, durable and durable, comfortable to wear, attractive both in its appearance and in its playful proposal, as well as have a pedagogical conception and be fun.
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Original source in Spanish


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