translated from Spanish: Government will have 50% less budget for communication by 2020

By 2020, spending on social communication and advertising services throughout the federal government, known as concept 3600, has approved an amount of 2 thousand 452 million 509 thousand 122 pesos, that is almost half of what it had in 2019, when it recorded a budget approved by the Chamber of Deputies of 4 thousand 211 million, 215 thousand 495 pesos. 
The budget usually changes when the Ministry of Finance authorizes budgetary adequacies to the units, but last year there was no significant adequacy, after the adjustments it was 4 billion 103 million 740 thousand 026 pesos. 
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Of that, until the third quarter of 2019, according to the last data recorded on the government’s Budget Transparency platform, only 395 million 638 thousand 813 pesos had been spent. 
That breaks with what used to happen in other years, as in 2018, when this item had a budget approved by the Chamber of Deputies, the body in charge of that task, of 3 thousand 156 million 087 thousand 761 pesos, but then The Treasury authorized adaptations to almost triple it and leave it at 8 thousand 537 million 031 thousand 488 pesos. 
“According to the Law on Budget and Responsibility, there can be no increases to the official advertising budget when there is a crisis or when oil prices rise, this was not respected in the peña Nieto administration, each year they made budget adaptations greater than 50%,” says Paulina Castaño, researcher at the Fund Fiscal Justice Program, where she works on the Official Advertising and Migration projects. 
According to the data recorded in the Platform of Transparency Budget, Peña Nieto’s government ended up spending 8 thousand 179 million 689 thousand 433 pesos in 2018; so what the federal administration has for communication this year is about a quarter of what was eroded in the last year of the previous government. 
Among the units with the largest losses in expenditure for communication and advertising is the Office of the Presidency, which is left with nothing, when in 2019 it had a modified budget of 9 million 219 thousand 634 pesos, and in 2018, one of 45 million 510 thousand 117 pesos. 
Governance also loses, for this year it has an approved amount of 233 million 744 thousand 732 pesos. Whereas in 2018, MPs gave him only 180 million 111 billion 187 pesos, but then The Treasury almost quintupled it to reach 916 million 782 thousand 408 pesos. 
The Treasury itself is left this year with almost half of what it had the previous one, from 204 million 943 thousand 676 pesos of modified budget in 2019 to 111 million 790 thousand 421 pesos in 2020. But if you compare the current amount with that of the last year of Peña Nieto, when you had a modified budget for communication and advertising of 605 million 394 thousand 662 pesos, then it has only 18.4% of what it had two years ago. 
Those times 
Most of the secretariats of state have had a significant variation when comparing the amounts for this item in 2020, not so much with those of 2019 but with those of the last year of Peña Nieto. 
Health had to spend two years two years a thousand 097 million 298 thousand 315 pesos, while for this it is left with only 86 million 291 thousand 441 pesos, just 7.8% of the above, in absolute terms. Work had in the last year of Peña 106 million 415 thousand 210 pesos, and now has only 3 million 472 thousand 963 pesos (3.2%).
For its part, Bienestar had a modified budget in 2018 of 519 million 713 thousand 724 pesos, and in 2020 it is left with only 10 million 910 thousand 655 pesos (2%). Tourism is another that will be left with a minimum of what it used to have, going from a modified budget in 2018 from 622 million 412 thousand 437 pesos to 6 million 454 thousand 674 pesos in 2020 (1%). 
While Environment had 690 million 888 thousand 374 pesos ago and now it is left with 23 million 460 thousand 427 pesos (3.3%). While Agriculture has a budget of 15 million 168 thousand 162 pesos this year, and in 2018 it had a modified budget of 148 million 250 thousand 669 pesos (10.2%).
Economía went from a modified budget in the final section of the previous administration of 355 million 152 thousand 371 pesos to a budget allocated for 2020 of 64 million 648 thousand 566 pesos (1.8%).
Paulina Castaño, of Fundar, points out that even the government of Enrique Peña the question of upward changes to the budget represented a problem, not only because they did not respect the law, but also because the units requested them and The Treasury authorized them, “but these adaptations are somewhat very discretionary, they are movements for which there are no clear rules or adequate control”. 
That is why, he says, is that for many years locks have been being asked for over-the-years, via these budget adaptations. But now, too, says the researcher, “you have to ask for padlocks for sub-exercises, such as the one seen in communication and official advertising for the third quarter of 2019, because that also violates citizens’ rights.”
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Original source in Spanish


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