translated from Spanish: Members of the (UNTA) claim amlo in Morelos (Video)

Ayala, Morelos. – Upon arrival at the anenecuilco sports unit, belonging to the municipality of Ayala, Morelos, where he took a work visit on Monday, the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador received a warm welcome, surrounded by protests by members of the National Union of Agricultural Workers (UNTA), who launched claims to the representative for the exhibition at the Palace of Fine Arts of the painting entitled Revolution by the painter Fabián Cháires, as well as the demand for more support to the field.
From the moment he got out of his vehicle, López Obrador had to figure out how to get through the peasant groups. Soon they became more tense, surrounded by screams, offenses and demands, while aid members secured the place for the president to move forward safely and quietly, on the way to the aforementioned sports unit.
Moments earlier, in statements to the local press, Jorge Zapata Gonzáles, grandson of Emiliano Zapata, considered that it is “a cynoism to come to the cradle of General Zapata keeping the exhibition the paint crap that they are exhibiting in Fine Arts”.
He said that at no point has respect been offered in memory of Emiliano Zapata at the press conferences at the National Palace and “is demeaning Emiliano Zapata because he was painted as effeminate”. The separation between family members added, “It’s another story, those who have no dignity introduced thetwo to that game (accept the exposure), we don’t.”
He added that his protest is also due to the insistence on the conclusion of the thermoelectric plant “because it is a death project”, as well as to demand clarification of the murder of activist Samir Flores.

(UNTA) members complain to AMLO at Morelos #Morelos #DannaCulera #ReyesMagos #RoscaDeReyes #DannaCulera #DannaCulera #LeoEnConvoy #amlo #CES2020
— Monitor Expresso (@monitorexpresso) January 7, 2020

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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