translated from Spanish: Two killed and 6 injured in Mexican school shooting caused by a minor

An 11-year-old boy on Friday sparked a shooting at a school in Mexico leaving two dead, including the least attacker, and six injured, the Coahuila State Secretariat of Public Security in Laguna Region reported.The event took place and n a primary school in the Mexican city of Torreón at about 08.30 local time (14.30 GMT) at the Cervantes School in Torreón.According to the first versions, the under-11 year of age carried out an armed attack on the educational center, of which he was a student , by shooting the teacher and her classmates and then shooting yourself. The versions point that the child arrived at the school armed and is believed to have carried two weapons.” We are already investigating, but not even the child’s father knows how he had access to the gun,” Coahuila State Prosecutor’s Office delegate Maurilio Ochoa said. deceased sora, was the student’s educator. He stated that the event was recorded when “the child asked permission to leave the classroom, it took, the teacher went to look for him and then came the attack.” For his part, the governor of Coahuila, Miguel Riquelme, said that “apparently the boy was influenced by a video game called ‘Natural Selection’, even the T-shirt that the child weared at the bottom bears the name of the video game. It was what unfortunately influenced the child to commit the facts.” Meanwhile, in a statement, Mexico’s Ministry of Public Education (SEP) “deeply regretted” the acts of violence and expressed its solidarity with the relatives of the deceased and the injured. The note, the head of the PMI, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, reported that the next general meeting of the National Council of Educational Authorities (Conaedu) will address the issue of violence prevention in public and private schools. After learning about the event, the parents arrived at the school for their children, where the atmosphere was crying and nervous. For his part, the mayor of Torreón, Jorge Zermeño Infante, told local media that the investigation will be in charge of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.In view of the fact and as a preventive measure, the official recommended to the other schools in the city “check the backpacks (bags) of the children ” and notify the authorities when they detect strange behavior in a minor. According to people close to the student, the minor, who was in sixth grade, recorded good grades and was outstanding. Following the events, security officers from the National Guard, Civil Police, State, Municipal and Metropolitan were stationed around the area for the shelter of students, parents and teachers. Three years ago, at the beginning of 2017, a student at a high school in Monterrey, northern Mexico, attacked the educational center he attended by armed forces, leaving five wounded. Efe

Original source in Spanish


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