translated from Spanish: In pre-trial detention he was left young in custody by OS9 of Carabineros in controversial procedure

The registration of a group of Carabineros OS9 personnel, without uniform, violently forcing a young man into a van without patent and without identification generated all kinds of speculation.
There is talk of the case of the “abductees”, that the head of the east RM area of Carabineros, Enrique Bassaletti, had to go out to explain pointing out that it was an operation of the main branch of criminal investigation of the institution to arrest two people for the Of Molotov bombs and a firearm. As reported by Carabineros, one of the young people was identified as Nicolas Ríos Verdugo, 20 years old, who was arrested in the Santa Lucia hill sector for the crime of porting and throwing incendiary artifacts.
The young man was formalized during this day at the Santiago Justice Center and was placed on remand at the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office Center North.
The court decreed 60 days as a period of investigation.
Cristián Meneses, prosecutor in charge of the case, told Radio Bío Bío that an official of Carabineros claimed to have seen the defendant throwing a Molotov bomb and “captured it in video footage, displayed today in court, with which the conviction of part of the trib was reached that there was indeed participation and existence of the crime.”
For his part, the lawyer of the Popular Defender’s Office, Lorenzo Morales, who represents the young man, advanced that they will appeal the determination because, he said, the judge in charge, Karen Atala, refused to see the records of the detention in which the illegitimate constraints are verified which he received and that according to the defense demonstrated the illegality of the detention.
Meanwhile, on social media circulated another controversial record of a detention of civilian carabinieri, this time in the bustamante park sector. The detainee in this case was Diego Alvarez Corona, who also spent this afternoon under detention checks at the Justice Center. He was released, with a monthly signature.
The Desk contacted Carabineros for explanations on this other procedure, but at the close of this note there was no response from the police institution.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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