translated from Spanish: Government announced the start of works for cyclopista in Eliodoro Yáñez

The Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, together with the Mayor of Providence, Evelyn Matthei, announced the start of the works to build a cycle perist on Eliodoro Yáñez Avenue, on a 3-kilometer stretch that will unite Tobalaba and Santa Avenue María.La secretary of state valued the initiative that will allow the exclusive use of cyclists and users in non-motorized modes and stated that “these works that are driving the Municipality of Providencia respond to the increase of cyclists that we have seen in recent months and facilitates mobility through ‘soft’ infrastructure, easy to implement and that provides greater safety for the different road users, segregating the cycles of pedestrian areas and also the Vehicles. It is the same spirit that drives the guidance that is already available to the different communes.” For her part, Mayor Matthei noted that “the implementation of this new cyclepath will not only benefit thousands of cyclists passing through the commune, but will also help pedestrians to walk without the fear of being taken on bicycles. In Providencia we want all our neighbors to feel safe and respected when they move, whether they are pedestrians, cyclists or motorists.” The work will be carried out on this day with the demarcation of the road and will be completely completed during the first fortnight of February. It should be noted that while enabling the Eliodoro Yáñez cycleway, the Municipality of Providencia will promote a new cycle path in Andrés Bello during the first half of this year. It will be bidirectional and will have an extension of 3.5 kilometers, from Nueva Tajamar to Pío Nono.

Original source in Spanish


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