translated from Spanish: Beatrice welcomes her friends

Say hello. Beatriz de Felix received at her home a group of friends who have a habit of meeting. He puts up a nice table with many details, and his daughter, Marcela, helps and decorates him. A delicious dinner and snacks to taste. There is no shortage of good wishes in this year that has already begun. Over there, Clara de la Vega, Cony Cárdenas, Luci Campaña, Sayra Breceda, Marielos de la vega, Carmen Alicia Gastélum, Ingrid Betancourt, María Laura Betancourt and Celina Pico. Birthday. Lichita Campaña and Robeto Bazúa celebrated his birthday to Gelly Gutierrez on his ranch. They were excellent hosts, there was a rich meal, plus they brought a duet to liven up and sing to him Las mañanitas. All the guests danced. Over there, Lety García, María de Ruiz, Evelia Sánchez Guerra, Clara de la Vega, Evelia Sánchez Guerra, Machis Barrantes, Nancy Jones, Cuchi Salazar and many more that made Gelly happy. With breakfast in Tres Ríos they celebrated Silvya López Sánchez his birthday. Many of us were unable to attend, for different reasons, but the good thing is that they had a very happy time with the birthday girl. There were Silvya Pérez Celis, Amanda Fernandez, Josefina Ley, Yemy Franco, Isabel Michel, Rosy Okamua, Sigrid Ayala, Chepina Guerra and Dobby Carlón. The party was happy with his little gifts and the nice morning they put him through. Another year. In Mazatlan, Caesar of Saracho was celebrated for another year, accompanied by his wife, Maria Theresa; their sons, Richard, Sophía, David and Teresita; their grandchildren, as well as some friends. They tasted a rich paella and rich snacks, enjoying a great coexistence. The best therapy will always be those moments that you enjoy with the family, where you laugh with laughter and you realize how lucky you are to have them.  

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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