translated from Spanish: They call not to discriminate against leprosy sufferers

Sinaloa.- “Making history for a Leprosy-free Mexico: without stigma, without discrimination,” asked the Sina-American population and nursing students for health authorities. Fortunately, there is now greater social acceptance for people with leprosy, said Guillermo Moraila Moya, director of the Sinaloa Dermatological Center. 

According to the specialist, treatments to treat this disease have improved considerably and now they do not have to be used for life, as decades ago, “today they are rotated for a year or six months, depending on the form of leprosy presented by the patient” Said. He emphasized that leprosy can contract at any age, with people aged 25 to 40 who suffer the most. Control
As part of World Leprosy Day, the Ministry of Health held an academic day to raise awareness of leprosy, which was addressed to medical nurses in various municipalities. For his part, the Undersecretary of Health Care of the Ministry of Health, Víctor Hugo Sánchez Malof, stated that, although the state of Sinaloa is among the first places in cases of leprosy, good control of the disease has been had. There are 162 cases in the state, which are considered few by health authorities, compared to the figures before. Annually, 10 to 15 new cases are detected in the state. In decades ago leprosy sufferers were very discriminated against.

Leprosy is a disease caused by a bacillus that mainly affects the skin, airways and eyes. According to WHO information, symptoms can appear after one year of contracting, and can be cured through treatment.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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