translated from Spanish: Israeli PM travels to Moscow

RUSSIA (AP) — The Israeli prime minister visited Moscow on Thursday to address the U.S. middle east peace plan and bring back home an Israeli woman who was imprisoned in Russia.Benjamin Netanyahu made a stop in Moscow after traveling to Washington, where US President Donald Trump presented his long-awaited middle East peace plan on Tuesday.

Trump raised a separate Palestinian state in parts following the delivery of key parts of the West Bank to Israel. The plan favors Israel in disputes that halted previous peace efforts, such as borders and the situation of Jerusalem or Jewish settlers, as well as imposing near-impossible conditions for Palestinians to achieve their long-to-see state. Sitting down for a meeting in the Kremlin, Netanyahu told Russian President Vladimir Putin that he wanted to comment on the plan and hear his opinion. The representative arrived in Russia the day after Putin pardoned 26-year-old Naama Issachar and was arrested in April at a Moscow airport where she was making a stopover on her journey from India to Israel. Authorities said they found more than nine grams of hashish in their luggage. She was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. Putin asked Netanyahu to convey his greetings to Issachar and his mother.” I would like to thank you on behalf of all the people of Israel for giving Naama Issachar a pardon,” Netanyahu said. “We’re all touched by this.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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