translated from Spanish: Government and support for Rozas: “It doesn’t go through a general more or one less, it goes through a profound transformation in Carabineros”

Minister Karla Rubilar came out on the vercer of questioning against Carabineros’ actions since the beginning of the social protests that began on October 18, 2019, and especially in the face of darts that point directly to the genre director Mario Rozas, who has been called to renounce from the opposition and various social sectors. In this vein, the Secretary of State said that “We are convinced, given the crises faced by Carabineros, since the fraud, from Huracán, Catrillanca, to the social outburst and the violations of human rights, that this does not happen to a general anymore or one less general, which some opposition senators support, as raised by someone who was undersecretary of the Interior, Senator Felipe Harboe. This goes through a profound transformation in Carabineros that allows us to recover the police for the public.” The governance spoke after the expanded Council at La Moneda, and went on to point out that “we are making very large efforts as a government, Minister Blumel has even led a transformative Carabineros modernizing commission with experts who gave him the final report yesterday.” In that sense, he stated that “we are going to look at it deeply to see how we reform, how we transform the police to be much more loved, respected, efficient, clearly respectful of DDs. HH., but to strongly defend public order and the safety of people to live in peace of mind.” Given the latest events that have swirled up the shock, such as the murder of Kevin Moreno, Rubilar said: “We want to be very clear. As a Government, we deeply regret the deaths that have been caused in recent days by violence. We hurt all these deaths, every one of the injured. Obviously we send condolences to his family, to his friends, it is not what we want, it is not the Chile we want to build and obviously the main call is to stop the violence wherever it comes.”

Original source in Spanish


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