translated from Spanish: How to buy a piece of paper for the presidential plane raffla

Mexico.- This Friday the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) confirmed that the presidential plane will be rifed. But how can I buy a cahito to participate?

The lottery ticket, which it showed, will cost 500 pesos and there will be 100 prizes of 20 million pesos; results will take place on Tuesday, September 15. In total, he said, it is 6 million little things with which 3 billion pesos will be obtained, money that will be sent to the health sector, to acquire medical equipment and hospitals where people without resources can be cared for free.

The #AviónPresidencial raffia will be held on September 15 of this year and the “cachitos” will be on sale from March 1. There will be a hundred prizes of 20 mdp and with the proceeds we will buy medical equipment. The aircraft will remain for rent under the FAM’s security. — Government of Mexico (@GobiernoMX)
February 7, 2020

The sale of the tickets would begin in 15 days, so the representative made a call to the Mexican people to cooperate for a good cause.” We’re doing all this so we don’t finish it off, so we don’t get in a hurry. I mean, the plane’s still on sale. But at the same time, the problem is solved because the prizes are paid, what you get from the raffled is for the hospitals and the plane has two years of maintenance until it is sold,” he said, he said.
LOTENAL sales force
84 foreign sales agencies
50 expendios
310 street vendors in the metropolitan area
2,658 street vendors
More than 6,000 sub-sellers nationwide
Private sector companies
It should be noted that AMLO enlisted the help of employers to exit these tickets and said it will meet with a hundred of them next Wednesday at the National Palace to convince them to buy numbers and to “deliver them to their workers or deal with them in promoting their stores or companies.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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