translated from Spanish: They rule out presence of Coronavirus by boat that arrived from China to Colonel and WHO claims that a very “small” number of cases are expected in Chile

In the context of the Health Alert and the protocols adopted by the Minsal in order to address possible cases of Coronavirus is that the authorities ruled out the presence of the disease on a ship that sailed from China 30 days ago and relocated this Saturday 8 February in the port of Coronel, Bio Bio region.
“We took all the measures that corresponded by arrival to the 24-ship ship region from China, and because the ship sailed from Shanghai 30 days ago, a period that doubles the maximum incubation period of the disease, and that The Shipping Agency is based on info ship captain’s taske did not report sick crewmembers, no suspicious cases are detected or with symptomatology compatible with new coronavirus. Regardless, this Friday we strengthened prevention measures with Coronel port personnel, within the framework of the Plan to prevent and control this virus,” said the Seremi de Salud de la Region Isabel Rojas to Soy Chile.
At the same time, the representative in Chile of the World Health Organization (WHO) Fernando Leanes considered that if Coronavirus entered the national territory, it would do so to a very lesser extent and highlighted the measures taken by The Minsal.
“On the one hand they fit the WHO recommendations, and on the other hand, while what would be expected at this point when we have 250 cases outside China confirmed in 25 countries, it is considered that if entered, a small number of imported cases would enter Chi I’m going to tell you. What we saw is that the authorities are taking steps to prepare to receive a large number of cases,” Leanes told Cooperative Radio.
“they are adopting a precautionary approach, which we think is fine initially, then it will have to be seen, because there is quite uncertainty about the probability and projections about the spread of the virus.” Concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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