translated from Spanish: Discard coronavirus case in CDMX

Mexico City.- The suspected case of the new coronavirus investigated in Mexico City was ruled out, the Secretariat of Salud.La unit said that no positive cases of this disease have been confirmed in Mexico.

He stated that the 11 suspected cases detected by the Ministry of Health had been negative and these had mild symptomatology.
There are currently no cases under investigation,” he said.

He indicated that today he met in person and for the second time the Technical Subcommittee on Emerging Diseases, under the National Committee on Health Safety, in which the preparation and response of this risk were followed up international.” Progress was presented in the working groups for the Epidemiological Surveillance and Laboratory Diagnostics components; International Health; Health Care; Promotion of Health and Scientific Research”.
In addition, it noted, the installation of three new action components was approved: Administrative-Financial; Specialized Emergency Teams, and Institutional Response Teams.” The committee has been in a permanent session since its installation on 31 January 2020, its main objectives being cross-sectoral coordination and federal interdependencies, follow-up to preparation and response work, as well as coordination with the 32 federal entities for the implementation of the actions that it is defining.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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