translated from Spanish: 54 ASM workers could be transferred to the Michoacan Congress

Naomi Carmona
Morelia, Michoacán.- Of the 108 unionized workers working in the Superior Audit of Michoacán (ASM), half could be transferred to the Michoacán Congress, as disclosed by Rogelio Andrade Vargas, Secretary General of the Union of Legislative Power Service (STASPLE).
In interview the union leader detailed that several talks have been held with the Committee on Administration and Control of the Congress, and with the head of the PLA in Miguel Angel Aguirre Avellaneda, with the purpose of concluding the negotiations environment the transfer 50 per cent of the unionized.
It should be remembered that the supervisory body recently acquired independence, granted by the LXXIV Legislature, and that it makes it a body dependent on the Michoacan parliament but with financial and management autonomy.
Andrade Vargas reported in interview, that the change at first will volunteer:

“First of all we are going to ask the workers who they want to change, logically we cannot be arbitrary. If there are a significant number of workers who have expressed a desire to move to Congress.”

In addition to the talks with the Management and Control Committee, and Miguel Angel Aguirre, the union leader suggested also holding a meeting with the Political Coordination Board and the Audit Inspectorate Committee, to expedite the process of change.
Through the signing of a collaboration agreement with the Congress of Michoacán, this is how their labor rights would be guaranteed to employees who are transferred.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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