translated from Spanish: China claims to have crown-locked epidemic “under control”

China’s National Health Commission said on Friday (21.02.2020) that the overall situation regarding the coronavirus outbreak is “improving” and that the epidemic is “under control,” with no case or 14 of the country’s 34 provinces and autonomous regions.
At a press conference in Beijing, the deputy director of China’s National Health Commission, Zeng Yixin, acknowledged, however, that in Hubei Province, the focus of the epidemic, and its capital, Wuhan, the daily cases of deaths are still “at a high level” that should be taken “to be “being “to be I’m right.”
On Thursday, Hubei recorded 115 new deaths and 411 new infected, according to the latest official data, bringing to more than 60,000 cases in the province, among which 2,144 people have died.
“The epidemic’s control has seen significant gains and the situation is tending to be better,” said Zeng, who said that the daily number of new confirmed cases in China has fallen from a peak of 15,152 to the less than 900 recorded yesterday, Thursday.

However, that peak was recorded just after the conditions for considering a person were relaxed and yesterday’s low numbers were due, in part, to the authorities reversing and re-establishing a stricter system to account for contagions.
Fourteen provinces with no new cases
Across the country, with the exception of Hubei, the new cases have fallen from a peak of 890 to less than 300 on Thursday, according to Zeng, who also highlighted that new infections in the province focusing on the outbreak – excluding Wuhan – have fallen from a peak of 1,404 to 400.
He also noted that the new confirmed cases each day in Wuhan have gone from a cap of 3,190 to less than 400 yesterday.
It also stressed that the number of provinces and autonomous regions where no cases are recorded continues to increase and assured that there are already 14 currently, including the western ones of Tibet and Xinjiang or the northern of Inner Mongolia.
Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Xu Nanping said at the same press conference that the first coronavirus vaccine could be ready for clinical trials by the end of April.

Protests in Ukraine over evacuates
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the authorities deployed police and armored personnel in the small town of Novi Sanjari, which will host some 70 Ukrainians and foreigners evacuated from China, due to protests from residents who fear the spread of the disease.
Early on, a group of inhabitants blocked the road to prevent the arrival of evacuees, after clashes with police trying to clear the road.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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