translated from Spanish: Young people proudly maintain their traditions in the Cañada de los Eleven Pueblos

Tzapkio (Zopoco), Michoacán.- Here, in the Cañada de los Once Pueblos, tradition and its culture are kept alive; customs and customs. The young people wear their clothing with pride in the festivities of the people; young women embroidering their own guanengos and aprons that they use accompanied by a colorful batter and Ahuiran or Angahuan.
In this community, the 15-year-old sweet girl Dulce Candelaria Solís Secundino was only held. She and her eight chambelanes, dressed in their traditional clothing.
The community originally from Zopoco, which in purhépecha is Tzapkio, place of gavilanes, may have been founded back in the year 1450, by a group of people who had left Jicalán, today municipality of Uruapan. It is four kilometers from Chilchota, the municipal headland.
This region is known as the Cañada de los Once Peoples, which is between the Kuarhaani, Pieani and Siaaporhu hills, and is part of the four areas that make up the Purhépecha Nation; the others are from Lake Pátzcuaro, Ciénega de Zacapu and the Plateau. They are the four regions represented in the colors of the purhépecha flag.
But well, returning to the festival or kuinchekua, the quinceañera Dulce Candelaria, was presented first in the church of San Pedro, patron saint of the town, from where she later walked home, accompanied by her parents Marco Antonio Solís Alejo and Ma. From Rosario Secundino Vicente, as well as his godparents Juan Carlos Gaspar Aguilar and Josefina Tomás Gaspar, to the rhythm of the notes of traditional music of the band “Corona”.
Upon arrival, a large courtyard, solar and street, covered with tarpaulins to mitigate the intense midday sun; tables and chairs, were ready to receive the entourage; several women were responsible for tying the pine and oak firewood on the stoves, where over the snaps are huge pots and clay pots with food, the traditional food that is a world heritage site, and kurundas, which would be distributed among the Assistants.

The paternal grandfather of the quinceañera, Joel Solís Gaspar and Sergio Solís Alejo, uncle of the party, to the slope that everything was in order; they welcomed the guests and cared for everyone. Amenzed during the afternoon, the Tzapkio Trio, with a large number of pirekuas from the place and the region.
Among the gifts, the quinceañera received household items, beauty, wooden furniture, handicrafts and a stone metate, well, even a live duck, among others, many more. Much of the village here gathered to accompany Dulce, live together and enjoy the great party.
The presentation with the chambelanes; godparents, pretty much everything. Most of those present, mainly women, wear their outfits with pride and altivez, Safe of their indigenous race. They still retain their mother tongue here.
There was no shortage of the traditional waltz, toast and slice of cake; as late in the afternoon, the musical performance of the group Tierra Fría, of the meritito San Isidro, municipality of Los Reyes, with traditional music, pirekuas, sones and abajeños, which ended until after midnight. A great party, with the customs and customs of a community with culture and identity.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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