translated from Spanish: History PSU: Demre says this year could vary maximum college admission scores

After communicating that the University History Selection Test was canceled, after a leak in January, it was indicated that it would be replaced with the best score the student got on the other exams. However, this may have brought some effects such as the variation in the “cut-off scores” of the various careers that consider the History PSU.The maximum career entry score students use them as a reference at the time of applying or not to Universities. “A very important warning (…) This year, as a result of the assignment other than the History score, there may be greater variations that (students) have to consider when applying for races where the History test is asked,” said Demre Director Leonor Varas. In the same vein he explained that “the higher the weighter of that test, the more that cut-off score can vary, and therefore students should consider it when applying.” Faced with the possible new scenario in the nominations, the general secretary of the Board of Rectors, María Elena González, told Emol that “it is possible that they tend to increase the scores (cutting)” for those races. “I mean, if I think last year’s cut score was lower and I trust, be careful, because this year there are more fed up that you’re going to score better, then you can go up, (you have to) have those precautions,” he said. Right, for example, which is another highly demanded career, has a high percentage of history; then the scores could move there,” Gonzalez said. The authority called for strategic postulations.

Original source in Spanish


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