translated from Spanish: Opposition criticizes Piñera for repeating the libretto of violence without mentioning what is “truly necessary” such as a “social economic agreement”

“The time has come for a Great Agreement for Democracy, Against Violence and For Peace,” President Sebastián Piñera said in La Moneda this morning, repeating the same post-pop strategy, of putting the issue of vi urban olensy over the urgency of social measures. This reading was the one that the opposition picked up after taking its words away, and highlighting the lack of concrete proposals on the social agenda in the reappearance of the Representative.
This was made clear by the president of the Party for Democracy (PPD), Heraldo Muñoz, who stressed that “what is truly necessary” is an economic-social pact that responds to the demands expressed by citizens in these four months of social outburst. This agreement, he said, must also go beyond government and opposition and include “entrepreneurs and workers, academics.” Specifically, the pepedé helmsman mentioned that the priorities are “to have not only a better system of foresight, of social security, but that we have quality health, better education still, that we have solutions to debt, territorial justice, better wages and that requires a short-term action plan, structural reforms within about five-year terms. And finally, a citizen council that can see that this eventual agreement is being carried out.”
For his part, the president of the Socialist Party, Senator Alvaro Elizalde, notified the Government that “an agreement with the opposition will not solve the problem if there are no social proposals that respond to citizen demands”. Meanwhile, in the same vein, the president of Comunes, Javiera Toro, said that La Moneda insists on her own agenda, without taking care of the demands of the people.
“The Government insists on the same libretto for the past four months, with calls to condemn violence and insist on its own legislative agenda, without taking responsibility for responding to the problems and needs Chilean society,” he told Emol.
The site of Piñera
This morning, after the return of his holiday and after a cabinet council, Piñera made a place-laden speech to the opposition, and said that the priority now is to regain public order.
In this regard, he argued that it is not only a question of condemning violence, “but that those who do not condemn violence and those who do not defend democracy must be condemned” and emphasized the need for “peace and public order” in order to be able to complete a democratic plebiscite clean and transparent” alluding to the April 26 consultation.
But these points were also refuted from the opposition, where they called into question the Government’s action in the field of law enforcement.
Muñoz recalled that “the Government has so far been unable to prevent violent events or identify the people responsible and bring them to justice.” For his part, Elizalde stated that “the meaning of this call is not understood” by Piñera because “it is the Government responsible for maintaining public order.
“So it seems that the President is looking for excuses to justify that he is not doing his job. It is unheard of that they do not have the capacity to identify those who commit crimes and insist on suppressing peaceful demonstrations of citizens,” the Socialist senator said.
In turn, the National Secretary of Christian Democracy, David Morales, recalled that “the first responsibility in any Government in the world is to guarantee social peace and public order” and called on the Government to “not take advantage of this situation because it has been the government and the parliamentarians of Chile Go who have often unknown these agreements and the advances that are needed.”
Another point questioned by the opposition was Piñera’s allusion to the plebiscite. Muñoz explained that it is the Government that “has the responsibility to create the conditions for the Plebiscite of April 26 to unfold in peace, with a massive turnout to the ballot box. That should be the main thing and the violence only helps the campaign of fear that some who are with rejection, are promoting. Therefore, the less violence, the more likely people are to be able to pronounce theself in complete freedom and without fear.”
In the meantime, Elizalde argued that after Piñera’s statements there is a play because she seeks to “transform into virtue what constitutes a democratic obligation: respect the outcome of the plebiscite. Official leaders must stop seeking excuses against the plebiscite and the government has an obligation to ensure its realization,” he said, also referring to the call of UDI President Jacqueline van Rysselberghe that “it is not possible to draft a new Constitution, not even go when you vote for the plebiscite, with today’s levels of violence.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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