translated from Spanish: AK-47 case: Interior did not invoke the State Security Act and complains about gun ownership

The Government took a turn and eventually the Ministry of the Interior decided to file a complaint against two defendants in the AK-47 case.
However, the judicial remedy is for the offences of possession of arms and possession of ammunition, and not by the State Security Act, as originally assessed. “The facts on which this complaint is based, and which constitutes an infringement of the Gun Control Act, have affected public safety,” the document adds, according to Radio Cooperative.
For that case, there are six people formalized for the crime of carrying and possession of firearms and ammunition, but the insides’ claim points only to Matías Ugalde and José Valdés as they “would have conducted negotiations for the purpose of executing a ‘purchase sale’ whose object consisted of a rifle-type firearm, a Russian-made AK-47 model, and a 36-munition magazine.”
Interior’s decision draws attention not only because of the criminalization of the crime, but because until a few weeks ago the Executive had indicated that it was only in March that they could make the decision to file a file in this case, arguing that the investigation is at reserve at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and did not have access to the records.
But the decision to enter the grievance became known after a radio interview where the East Metropolitan Prosecutor, Manuel Guerra, was emphatically to rule out today that the formalized are part of a far-right gang with intentions to act in March, as it was has speculated so far.
“We don’t have what some said, an organization of an ultra-right group that intended to carry out certain dismantents and attacks in March. What we have is simply crime,” the prosecutor said on Radio Universe. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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