translated from Spanish: They officialize that Simpsons actor will not continue to play Apu

Last January Hank Azaria revealed that he would no longer voice Apu on The Simpsons after accusations toward the character perpetuating racist stereotypes. Now the show’s producers have confirmed the news via a statement announcing their departure.” We respect Hank’s journey with respect to Apu. We have granted their wish not to give the character a voice,” notes the statement published in The New York Times. Producers did not clarify whether Azaria will be replaced or whether the character will be removed from the series altogether. “Apu is loved all over the world. We want it too,” they added. Azaria noted that she is unaware of future plans for Apu when she revealed she was leaving the role. “What they’re going to do with the character is their decision,” he said. “It’s up to them and they haven’t figured it out yet. All we’ve agreed is that I won’t give him a voice anymore.”Racist CartoonAzaria’s decision comes after the documentary The Problem With Apu exposed the negative feelings that many American Indians have towards the character, perceived as an old-fashioned and racist caricature.” Once I realized that was the way this character looked, I just didn’t want to participate anymore,” Azaria told The New York Times. “I just didn’t feel good. What happened to this character is a window into a major problem. It’s a good way to start the conversation. I can be responsible and try to make it up to you as best I can,” he said. However, the dubbing will not completely abandon The Simpsons as Apu is just one of the many characters he voices. Azaria is also behind Moe, Boss Gorgory, the comic book store clerk, and Carl.The Simpsons is currently airing his 31st season and has already renewed for one more installment.

Original source in Spanish


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